Thursday, December 30, 2010

when u look me in the eyes

yeay! aku dh ade mate baru aka spec bru.. ^__^  pasni dh xpayah, nk bgun pg2 bute..smate2 nk pkai lens..membazir mse tdo aku jer..bgun kol 659pg..slalu pas smyg tdo blek..even claz kol 8, aku stil leh bgun 740 msuk sem bru nih..pas bgun smyg aku dh xtdo dh..smate2 nk pkai lens..sacrifice giler..yerla..kalo x pkai, aku mmg xleh write down pe yg lec ak tlis kt dpn..tu 1 hal..pastu fkrn ak mule r melayang2...xfocus dh kt dlm claz..camne tuh nk jd best student? cmne nk dpt dean's list? harapan jer la..

so solution, utk owg yg mls nk bgun pg cmnih..adalah make a spectacle... (kalo xdpt gak best student xtaw nk ckp pe dh) friends pn mang rmai yg ala2 prof.. =)
  my mum kate spec tu beso sgt 4 me..but i think it just nice haha prasan

lpas je ade spec, prob aku pn setel..dh xyah bgun awal2..xyah ngadap cermin lme2 smate2 nk pkai lens.. tp it ends up ngn aku slalu smpi lmbt ke claz..coz terlebih over tido aka still msok claz wlpn kne sound ngn lec..kebal gak muke aku kne tengking2 (xpnh kne agy r, otw)..hehee..aku wat muke tegas jer..bile lec aku tnye npe lmbt..jwpn kne cnfiden..then, jgn lupe say sory..tros dye soh aku duduk..macho la sir aku tuh..xmudah melenting..memahami..i like =)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

i'm not qualified enough?


last week aku g interview MRC (mahallah representatives council)..tu pown bkn nye sbb aku mang nk jd coz of teman rumate ak..ptot nye dye sowg jer yg msuk bilek interview tuh..ak ni tukang teman jer (ala-ala tukang penaek smgt dye larh..hee) last2, ak msuk gak interview tuh (kne pakse okeh!)..

owh yer..mahallah tu ape? ..hnye owg yg taw bhsa arab jer phm.. =) hehee..kalo di translate ke b.melayu..mahallah tu adalah hostel, kolej, kediaman pelajar...

lebih kurg cmni la situasi interview tuh............

principal : where is your previous school?
aku : sek mngh ______ kuala lumpur.
principal :! u r from SM_KL.. <-- tyme dye kate cmni..muke ak riak giler..hehee bgge kot..

principal : what is ur contribution to maryam? (hostel ak nme dye MARYAM..nme ibu nabi isa)
aku : i've joined for USC as a marcher n athlete, in-charged in MONTRAFEUR, MARFEST, MAKUM....bla, bla, bla,bla, bla, bla,................blah (siyes ak xigt pe yg aku gebang tyme nih..hehee)
principal : ok, u've contributed a lot to maryam..quite active..
aku : heh! aku gebang je tuh.. (ckp dlm ati jer)

principal : how do u rate urself doing performance from 1 - 5?
aku : i think 4.5 ( blagak giler ko, plus prasan)
principal : hehehehehehehehe... (principal tu gelak jer..hoh! xcaye lar tuh..xpe2)
agak2 la nk gelak kt ak pn..bia la ak nk rate performance ak bape pn..lantak aku lar..

principal : ok, u r from SM_KL ryte? what if i give u bureau DAKWAH AND TARBIYAH? (what-the -fish!..xde biro len ke nk ofer kt aku..deng la!)
aku : erk..err..i guess im not qualified enough to do dakwah and give tarbiyah to maryam residents..coz me myself still not gud enough n hve to be tarbiyah 1st.. plus,i dont think i can perform well with that position..
(giler kot kalo ak pgang biro tuh..mau sesat bdak2 maryam ni nnt..cmne tah ak nk islamize diowg..ak sndrik pn terkontang-kanteng agy..haisyh, musibat tuh..)

principal : owh, ok..what about community services bureau?
aku : wah! i like that bureau =) i love to help other, i can let others to join me as well ..
(hehee..xtually ak pn xtaw nk plan pe kalo ak dpt biro ape yg penting ak xmo biro dakwah tuh..)
principal : ok, later we will inform u the result..we will send u invitation letter ~ END~

moral yg ak dpt dlm citer ni..kalo ko skowla kt religious school..owg2 luar ni msti akn expect ko hbat bab agame2 nih..n ko dh layak pegang biro dakwah n tarbiyah..haha..len kali kalo owg tnye ko skowla mne dlu..ko jwb la Convent bkit nenas ker, Methodist gurl school ker, sek aminuddin baki ker..baru la ko bleh dpt biro entrepreneur. welfare, sports n etc..

p/s : ak dpt jd MRC...pegang bureau Community Service..yeay! alhamdulillah.. =) seb bek xpgg biro dakwah tarbiyah..kalo x, hancusssssssssss...

Monday, December 27, 2010

apesal emo lelebih sgt ni?


tgk x MALAYSIA lwn INDON smlm..tgk? xtgk? xpe2..aku pn xtgk..sbb mls nk bersesak2 kt cafe tuh..baek aku study tido kt bilek..sume tu xpenting..yg penting skang MALAYSIA dh mnang..3-0..xcaye kn? ak pn xcaye..sbb ape? sbb ssh nk tgk MALAYSIA mnang..even ngn team underdog..hehe..terer gak MALAYSIA ni upe nape aritu lwn INDON leh klh 5-1..bak kate kwn aku r kan..tyme tu INDON pkai bomoh kot..(hurmmm..logik gak tuh.)tgk dlm cter2 indon, sume pn nk pkai bomoh2 ni..GOBLOK SEH!

kowg nk taw td ak g claz..rmai giler bdak2 laki claz ak pkai bju jersi MALAYSIA..hek eleh, tyme ni br nk tnjuk smgt patriotik kowg an..tyme claz ari tuh, smlm, kelmarin, xde plak kowg nk pkai an..hampeh agak klaka r..coz bile dh rmai2 pkai bju yg boria je ak nengok..kihkihkih..but still nice n kiut..ak taw, kowg pkai pown, sbb kowg bajet kowg peminat setia malaysian football team..(tp tyme malaysia mnang jer la kn, kalo x, HARAM)

pastu, tgh owg dok sebok2 sembang psl bola tuh..msuk la sowg mamat nih..muke dye stress nk mampos..ak pn cam pelik gak r..yerla..lec ak xbg keje pape pn..quiz? xde..esaimen? lmbt agy nk kne anta..then, dye dok kt seat dye..xsmpi 5 mnit dye dh blah..mak aii, ske ati dye jer..nk ckp g toilet..x pown..coz dye bwk beg, ak wat conclusion dye blek bilek dye n smbong tido..(weh, owg len pn ngntuk gak,blom 20 mnit agy mne bleh blah la)

tgh ak bermonolog dlmn tuh..tibe2 je ak denga ade bdak laki ni ckp.. "mamat tu pesal, emo lelebih..taw la indon kalah, xkan smpai xdtg claz..mcm dye plak yg men smlm.." hahaha..laa, mamat tuh bdak indon ker..ptut muke mcm giring nidji..rambut afro xleh, ak dh taw dh..nape pangai mamat tuh mcm pompuan PMS..rupe nye, sbb indon kalah..n dye panas bontot dok dngo member2 claz kutuk indon  puji2 malaysia..hahaa..pdn muke ko..nk ganyang malaysia sgt eh..hamek ko! ko ponteng la claz satu ari k..

so, conclusion kedua nnt, kalo malaysia kalah..aku pown malas nk dtg claz..DOWN KOT..tambah2 kt claz ade rmai bdk2 indon..brengset tol..ngeh3

indonesia..ak knal bambang pamungkas jer..tu pn knal nme jer..

haa, yg ni team MALAYSIA..rmai gak la yg aku knal..ncem2 tu hehe


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A.L.O.H.A !

ak dh ade blog sndrik..!

u go gurl!!!

apsal ak terhegeh-hegeh sgt nk tlis blog nih?

1) diary of my life (best n worst moment)
2) share experience, knowledge or advice (sharing is caring, ryte?)
3) ngumpat, mengate, menyumpah! (the best reason..tee-hee)
4)MENGGEDIKZZ (perhaps, in a gud way) hehee..

xkesah la pape pn reasons yg ak bg..i'm freely to-do-anything here..
coz diz is my own ZONE..n ABSOLUTELY ME!

p/s : i LEAD, u READ...THANK YOU! =)